Nepathya is a popular Nepalese music band that was formed by 3 students from Pokhara, studying in Kathmandu, Nepal in the early 1990s. Nepathya is best known for its blending of folk melodies into new, youth-friendly pop and rock tune. Since its inception, Nepathya has gained consistent popularity and recognition. Nepathya’s songs also portray contemporary Nepal. The moving force behind this band is Amrit Gurung, wears Gandhian frames ( supposed to have been presented to him from an aunt of his who was a staunch follower of M.K. Gandhi) and sings songs about peace and harmony. His songs encompass all of Nepal and is not limited to Kathmandu Valley. By hobby he is a photographer and a traveller. He has been to more than 70 of 75 districts of Nepal, most of them on foot. Nepathya has seen many changes in its band's line up. But the founder and the brain behind Nepathya is unfazed. Says he "Being in Nepathya is like being part of a serious journey. Anyone who deviates from team spirit and artistic commitment, find it hard to stay with the team."
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